Operational Programme Technical Assistance 2007-2013
The global objective of OPTA 2007-2013 is to ensure support for the coordination and to contribute to sound, effective, efficient and transparent implementation and absorption of the Structural Instruments in Romania.
The OPTA 2007-2013 has an open call for proposals with rolling submissions of projects within the period February 2008 - June 2015.
Operational Programme Technical Assistance 2014-2020
The global objective of OPTA 2014-2020 is to ensure the necessary capacity and tools for an effcient coordinations, management and control of the interventions financed from the European Structural and Investment Funds, as well as for an efficient, well targeted and corect implementation of OPTA, Operational Programme Large Infrastructure and Operational Programme Competitiveness.
OPTA has been approved by the European Commission on 18.12.2014. Relevant documents may be found on the website of Ministry of European Funds in the OPTA section http://www.fonduri-ue.ro/poat-2014.